Sunday, May 28, 2006

Use your Allusion

So its come to my attention that the titles of nearly all of my posts so far (including this one) have been allusions to something (usually a movie quote, indie rock song, or something similarly dorky). In order to make this interesting (and also drum up interest from readers) I propose a mini-contest: if you think you get the reference in my post title, e-mail me ( post a comment; the person who provides the first correct answer for each post will get a small tchotchke from Kenya. The contest closes 24 hours after a given post (for all of the posts up to this point, the clock starts ticking now).

Have fun (actual real post to follow shortly)!

1 comment:

Laia Balcells said...

this picture reminds me one that i have from you in vermont, near the fire place...without your t-shirt.
so different times and places, but the same character:)