Friday, March 23, 2007

I love when the Maasai make the news; its never an actual news story, and more like , "Oh those crazy Maasai! What will they do next? They love their cows so much! Silly nomads!" Still, this article is pretty hillarious; at the same time, most of the Maasai guys that I know would not be obsessing about their herds, and would be quite keen to make the most of being so up close and personal with Gisele.

Thanks to Rob Person for sending this along.


mpc said...

I was going to send this along to you as well, but then I figured that someone would beat me to the punch. So I worked on pulling images for April Anguish instead.

PS: you are going to be horribly disappointed by 300 when you get home.

Mark Lee said...

so the beautiful woman on the left is my card, and the african dude on the right is my life? hmmm....

anyway, just wanted to say hi and that i've finally gotten around to subscribing to your RSS feed. i am so web 2.0. safe travels!

MBlinks said...

You make it sound like there ARE many legitimate Massai news stories, but the mainstream media is just covering them up and running Massai fluff pieces.