Friday, June 02, 2006

Use Your Allusion II

So interestingly enough, there was a less-than overwhelming response to my blog-post-title allusion guessing contest. The only one that got any responses was "You Have Died of Dysentary" which the Matts (Cushman and Wrather) both correctly identified as a reference to Oregon Trail.

So yeah. It occurs to me that there is a bit of a selection bias that renders this "contest" kind of irrelevant; if you care enough about me to read this blog regularly AND to get the references (obscure or otherwise), I was probably already going to be getting you something anyhow

In case you care:
Use Your Allusion-Not only The classic Guns 'n Roses album, but also a reference to the name of Gob's magic act in Arrested Develompment, which itself alludes to the G'N'R album
City Center (used to be the center of our scene)- From "Your little hoodrat friend" by the Hold Steady
Occam's RAZR- refers to Occam's Razor, the philosophical principle that states that the most simple explanation is most likely to be true
Getting Organizized- Refers to Travis Bickle's shirt in Taxi Driver that says something like "one of these days I'm going to get organizized'
Out Here We Call Them Pirates- From The Life Aquatic; when the Bellafonte is being attacked, Ned proclaims, "Hijackers" to which Stevsie, replies, "Out Here We Call Them Pirates"

In other news, check back to the "You Have Died of Dysentary" post to see a ridiculously goofy photo that I took on that night but haven't uploaded until now.

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